Tuesday, September 25, 2007

What have we been up to??

We had a lovely weekend visiting Dad in Maryborough. Harry had a life of dog luxury too, running around the yard and spending his nights on the lounge. He was meant to sleep on the floor but somehow thought it would be more comfy there. Kaiden spent alot of time chasing Harry around and they seemed to have established a mutual understanding. If Kaiden has had enough of Harry he pushes him away with his hand. If Harry has had enough of Kaiden, he walks away. It seems to work well. People often ask how they get on. I think Kaiden is more intrigued with Harry than Harry is with him.

Kaiden also loved his new foam blocks set which were especially new for the weekend. Dad and Brett would build it up as high as they could and Kaiden would take special delight in knocking it down. It was a game he could play over and over and he would commando crawl as fast as he could from wherever he was when he saw a tower ready to demolish. He would smile cheekily as it fell to the ground.

As Dad put it, Kaiden had a really educational weekend. He
a) Met the ponies who lived on the block next door
b) Met my Aunty Ruth and Uncle George

c) Went for his first swim at the beach

My cousin Cheryl and her husband David welcomed a little boy, Oliver Michael, into the world. I've made a card and while it seems as though I've lost my ability to cut and measure square, I like it! I love this photo of Kaiden's feet when he was only a couple of weeks old. Such skinny legs! I think this design would also make an excellent canvas. Another to add to my growing list of things to make! Today I'm taking Kaiden to Paper Arts so I'll be very tempted. Well, Kaiden does love paper so hopefully he'll enjoy a whole show devoted to it!

And I've finally finished (well except to add on the handles), the handbag album I gave my MIL for Christmas. Mmmmmm better start planning for this year I think. Well, I already have MY Christmas list at the ready.

Two of the pages I had left to complete

And to celebrate the fact that whenever we take photos we seem to capture Kaiden with his hand in my face, I did this fun scrapbook layout.

And Brett has finished Kaiden's cubby house. We have such lovely neighbours here in Bramston Street. Vicki and Ian had finished with their cubby house as their kids are now teenagers so they offered it to us. In one weekend it was transposed two doors down, Brett reassembled and painted, and then added in the sand pit underneath. We're positive it is going to get a good work out once Kaiden is old enough. He's already had a little play in the sand complete with Harry who loves to have a good roll in it too.

Phew, I'm exhausted. Time for a cuppa.

But finally, Brett wanted to share our North Queensland Waratah in full bloom. It must be spring!


Susan C said...

Was great seeing you and Kaiden at Paper Arts.

You know that you will probably end up with the worlds best Tonka collection with your new sandpit, but then off cuts of PVC pipe and pipe joiners are lots of fun too.

Craig, Robyn, Noah and Kaiden... said...

WOW!!! How much FUN does that cubby house look?! My Noah would love that, you'd never get him out of it! I bet Kaiden will love it when he old enough, not long now I bet. They are growing up too fast!

Chrissy said...

The LOs are gorgeous Susan and wow look at those cutie pie teeny toes. *sigh* So adorable!

Love and hugs to you and your precious bubba!
Chrissy x