Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Sewing #20, #21 and the 80/20 rule

I have this innate belief in the 80/20 rule. It was also reinforced by the book Sorted (which is excellent) which mentions that the 80/20 rule also applies to your 'stuff'. Like 20% of the clothes in your wardrobe you wear 80% of the time. Then the question is which of the 80% can you get rid off to declutter your life. I have started putting some into practise although I'm finding it hard to part with some clothes - you just never know!

Anyway, the 80/20 rule as far as I'm concerned also applies to people. Like 20% of the people in this world spoil it for the other 80%. A couple of weekends ago our car had an encounter with the 20%. It was innocently parked outside Brett sister's house when we staying over on Saturday night and idiots who were partying up the road decided to karate kick each of the doors. Result = police = four doors being replaced = insurance claim. And while the police took a report, photos, footprints, these people will no doubt get away with vandalising other people's property and will do it again. Lock up your cars people!!

In other news, Kaiden had his 18 month injections and while there was a slight hurt, it was quickly forgotten with a jelly bean. He has started to string more words together like "Mummy read book" with a few new words as well like "pretty". He kisses properly and can point out his head, shoulders, nose, mouth and eyes. I think helped by the fact that they are learning "head and shoulders" at daycare. Trucks, tractors and big machinery are his favourites and he loves the book from his Grandad which has pictures of all of these.

And in crafty news, I finished this pair of pants from the Ottabre Summer 08 pattern book I received for Mother's Day. They are meant to be made from lighter weight stretch material but I had this fabric so thought I'd do a test. They turned out well. The binding on the pockets gives it a nice finish. I'm also trying to finish of something in my pile of "to do" each week so #21 was fixing up a pair of trackpants. Hardly exciting but it's done!

1 comment:

Susan C said...

Thanks for the link to Sorted. I admit to being a Shannon Lush fan but I hadn't even heard of it.

Its in situations (like your car damage) that I firmly believe in karma - or what goes around, comes around.

I don't know if the BCC does this, but every year the GCCC roll out their big trucks, diggers, heavy machinery anyway for what they call a Monster Machine day. The kids are allowed to climb all over the machinery(within reason of course) and the drivers and operators are there to answer questions. There is usually a demonstration area so the kids (old and young) get to see these things in operation. The kids just love it.