Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Tutu Bag

Despite sewing on the handles the wrong way - yes it is possible! I have finished my ballerina bag. I think it looks so cute - perfect for a little girl. Oh and I sewed a button on a shirt - it's out of my "to do" pile so it counts towards my tally for the year which now sits at 28. I'm about three months behind in my goal of completing one sewing project per week. It will take a huge effort to catch that up!


Jodi Dolbel said...

WOW!! Your so verstile!!
Love the bag!!

Beetlehouse Designs said...

Susan, it's gorgeous. I love it!!!

Karen said...

That is so sweet Susan.
I wish it had been around when my nieces were small - gorgeous.

Susan C said...

How cute is that. I can imagine lots of little girls loving one of those.